Explore Workers AI Models Using a Jupyter Notebook
A handy way to explore all of the models available on Workers AI is to use a Jupyter Notebook.
You can download the Workers AI notebook or view the embedded notebook below. For more Cloudflare video content, check out our YouTube channel.
Explore the Workers AI API using Python
Workers AI allows you to run machine learning models, on the Cloudflare network, from your own code – whether that be from Workers, Pages, or anywhere via REST API.
This notebook will explore the Workers AI REST API using Python and the requests library.
import sys!{sys.executable} -m pip install requests python-dotenv
Requirement already satisfied: requests in ./venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages (2.31.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dotenv in ./venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in ./venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from requests) (3.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in ./venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from requests) (3.6)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in ./venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from requests) (2.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in ./venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from requests) (2023.11.17)
import os
from IPython.display import display, Image, Markdown, Audiofrom getpass import getpass
import requests
%load_ext dotenv%dotenv
Configuring your environment
To use the API you’ll need your Cloudflare Account ID (head to Workers & Pages > Overview > Account details > Account ID) and a Workers AI enabled API Token.
If you want to add these files to your environment, you can create a new file named .env
if "CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" in os.environ: api_token = os.environ["CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN"]
else: api_token = getpass("Enter you Cloudflare API Token")
if "CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID" in os.environ: account_id = os.environ["CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID"]
else: account_id = getpass("Enter your account id")
Explore tasks available on the Workers AI Platform
Text Generation
Explore all Text Generation Models
model = "@cf/meta/llama-3-8b-instruct"
response = requests.post( f"https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/ai/run/{model}", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}"}, json={"messages": [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a productivity assistant for users of Jupyter notebooks for both Mac and Windows users. Respond in Markdown."}, {"role": "user", "content": "How do I use keyboard shortcuts to execute cells?"} ]}
inference = response.json()display(Markdown(inference["result"]["response"]))
Great question! 😊
Mac Users:
To execute cells using keyboard shortcuts on a Mac, you can use the following combinations:
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl + Enter | Execute the current cell. |
Shift + Enter | Execute the current cell and move to the next cell. |
Cmd + Enter | Execute the current cell and move to the next cell. (Only works in Jupyter Notebook 1.0 and later.) |
Windows Users:
On Windows, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts to execute cells:
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl + Enter | Execute the current cell. |
Shift + Enter | Execute the current cell and move to the next cell. |
Shift + Ctrl + Enter | Execute the current cell and move to the next cell without leaving the cell. |
- You can also use the
key to execute the current cell on both Mac and Windows.
Text to Image
Explore all Text to Image models
model = "@cf/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0"
response = requests.post( f"https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/ai/run/{model}", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}"}, json={"prompt": "A pencil drawing of an excited developer using an API"}
Explore all Translation models
model = "@cf/meta/m2m100-1.2b"
response = requests.post( f"https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/ai/run/{model}", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}"}, json={ "text": "Artificial intelligence is pretty impressive these days. What do you think?", "source_lang": "english", "target_lang": "spanish" }
inference = response.json()
La inteligencia artificial es bastante impresionante en estos días. ¿Qué piensas?
Text Classification
Explore all Text Classification models
model = "@cf/huggingface/distilbert-sst-2-int8"
response = requests.post( f"https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/ai/run/{model}", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}"}, json={"text": "This taco is delicious"}
inference = response.json()inference["result"]
[{'label': 'NEGATIVE', 'score': 0.00012679687642958015},
{'label': 'POSITIVE', 'score': 0.999873161315918}]
Automatic Speech Recognition
Explore all Speech Recognition models
model = "@cf/openai/whisper"
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/craigsdennis/notebooks-cloudflare-workers-ai/main/assets/craig-rambling.mp3"display(Audio(url))audio = requests.get(url)
response = requests.post( f"https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/ai/run/{model}", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}"}, data=audio.content)
inference = response.json()inference
{'result': {'text': "Hello there, I'm making a recording for a Jupiter notebook. That's a Python notebook, Jupiter, J-U-P-Y-T-E-R. Not to be confused with the planet. Anyways, let me hear you. I'm gonna talk a little bit. I'm gonna make a little bit of noise. Say some hard words. I'm gonna say Kubernetes. I'm not actually even talking about Kubernetes. I just want to see if they can do Kubernetes. Anyway, this is a test of transcription and let's see how we're dead!",
'word_count': 86,
'words': [{'word': 'Hello',
'start': 0.30000001192092896,
'end': 0.7599999904632568},
{'word': 'there,', 'start': 0.7599999904632568, 'end': 1.2799999713897705},
{'word': "I'm", 'start': 1.2799999713897705, 'end': 1.5},
{'word': 'making', 'start': 1.5, 'end': 1.7000000476837158},
{'word': 'a', 'start': 1.7000000476837158, 'end': 1.8600000143051147},
{'word': 'recording',
'start': 1.8600000143051147,
'end': 2.2799999713897705},
{'word': 'for', 'start': 2.2799999713897705, 'end': 2.680000066757202},
{'word': 'a', 'start': 2.680000066757202, 'end': 2.799999952316284},
{'word': 'Jupiter', 'start': 2.799999952316284, 'end': 3.259999990463257},
{'word': 'notebook.',
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'end': 3.6600000858306885},
{'word': "That's", 'start': 3.6600000858306885, 'end': 4.300000190734863},
{'word': 'a', 'start': 4.300000190734863, 'end': 4.380000114440918},
{'word': 'Python', 'start': 4.380000114440918, 'end': 4.699999809265137},
{'word': 'notebook,', 'start': 4.699999809265137, 'end': 5.480000019073486},
{'word': 'Jupiter,', 'start': 5.480000019073486, 'end': 6.440000057220459},
{'word': 'J', 'start': 6.440000057220459, 'end': 6.619999885559082},
{'word': '-U', 'start': 6.619999885559082, 'end': 6.960000038146973},
{'word': '-P', 'start': 6.960000038146973, 'end': 7.179999828338623},
{'word': '-Y', 'start': 7.179999828338623, 'end': 7.460000038146973},
{'word': '-T', 'start': 7.460000038146973, 'end': 7.739999771118164},
{'word': '-E', 'start': 7.739999771118164, 'end': 7.940000057220459},
{'word': '-R.', 'start': 7.940000057220459, 'end': 8.34000015258789},
{'word': 'Not', 'start': 8.520000457763672, 'end': 8.899999618530273},
{'word': 'to', 'start': 8.899999618530273, 'end': 9.34000015258789},
{'word': 'be', 'start': 9.34000015258789, 'end': 9.4399995803833},
{'word': 'confused', 'start': 9.4399995803833, 'end': 9.760000228881836},
{'word': 'with', 'start': 9.760000228881836, 'end': 9.979999542236328},
{'word': 'the', 'start': 9.979999542236328, 'end': 10.0600004196167},
{'word': 'planet.', 'start': 10.0600004196167, 'end': 10.699999809265137},
{'word': 'Anyways,', 'start': 10.699999809265137, 'end': 12.15999984741211},
{'word': 'let', 'start': 12.15999984741211, 'end': 12.4399995803833},
{'word': 'me', 'start': 12.4399995803833, 'end': 12.539999961853027},
{'word': 'hear', 'start': 12.539999961853027, 'end': 12.720000267028809},
{'word': 'you.', 'start': 12.720000267028809, 'end': 12.819999694824219},
{'word': "I'm", 'start': 12.819999694824219, 'end': 12.899999618530273},
{'word': 'gonna', 'start': 12.899999618530273, 'end': 12.960000038146973},
{'word': 'talk', 'start': 12.960000038146973, 'end': 13.140000343322754},
{'word': 'a', 'start': 13.140000343322754, 'end': 13.279999732971191},
{'word': 'little', 'start': 13.279999732971191, 'end': 13.399999618530273},
{'word': 'bit.', 'start': 13.399999618530273, 'end': 13.579999923706055},
{'word': "I'm", 'start': 13.579999923706055, 'end': 13.680000305175781},
{'word': 'gonna', 'start': 13.680000305175781, 'end': 13.739999771118164},
{'word': 'make', 'start': 13.739999771118164, 'end': 13.9399995803833},
{'word': 'a', 'start': 13.9399995803833, 'end': 14.220000267028809},
{'word': 'little', 'start': 14.220000267028809, 'end': 14.4399995803833},
{'word': 'bit', 'start': 14.4399995803833, 'end': 14.619999885559082},
{'word': 'of', 'start': 14.619999885559082, 'end': 14.720000267028809},
{'word': 'noise.', 'start': 14.720000267028809, 'end': 15.479999542236328},
{'word': 'Say', 'start': 15.479999542236328, 'end': 15.880000114440918},
{'word': 'some', 'start': 15.880000114440918, 'end': 16.020000457763672},
{'word': 'hard', 'start': 16.020000457763672, 'end': 16.200000762939453},
{'word': 'words.', 'start': 16.200000762939453, 'end': 16.520000457763672},
{'word': "I'm", 'start': 16.520000457763672, 'end': 16.65999984741211},
{'word': 'gonna', 'start': 16.65999984741211, 'end': 16.739999771118164},
{'word': 'say', 'start': 16.739999771118164, 'end': 16.920000076293945},
{'word': 'Kubernetes.',
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'end': 17.540000915527344},
{'word': "I'm", 'start': 17.540000915527344, 'end': 17.68000030517578},
{'word': 'not', 'start': 17.68000030517578, 'end': 17.739999771118164},
{'word': 'actually',
'start': 17.739999771118164,
'end': 18.020000457763672},
{'word': 'even', 'start': 18.020000457763672, 'end': 18.200000762939453},
{'word': 'talking', 'start': 18.200000762939453, 'end': 18.420000076293945},
{'word': 'about', 'start': 18.420000076293945, 'end': 18.639999389648438},
{'word': 'Kubernetes.',
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'end': 18.940000534057617},
{'word': 'I', 'start': 18.940000534057617, 'end': 19.260000228881836},
{'word': 'just', 'start': 19.260000228881836, 'end': 19.3799991607666},
{'word': 'want', 'start': 19.3799991607666, 'end': 19.520000457763672},
{'word': 'to', 'start': 19.520000457763672, 'end': 19.600000381469727},
{'word': 'see', 'start': 19.600000381469727, 'end': 19.739999771118164},
{'word': 'if', 'start': 19.739999771118164, 'end': 19.899999618530273},
{'word': 'they', 'start': 19.899999618530273, 'end': 19.979999542236328},
{'word': 'can', 'start': 19.979999542236328, 'end': 20.100000381469727},
{'word': 'do', 'start': 20.100000381469727, 'end': 20.31999969482422},
{'word': 'Kubernetes.',
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'end': 21.399999618530273},
{'word': 'Anyway,', 'start': 21.5, 'end': 21.799999237060547},
{'word': 'this', 'start': 21.799999237060547, 'end': 21.940000534057617},
{'word': 'is', 'start': 21.940000534057617, 'end': 22.040000915527344},
{'word': 'a', 'start': 22.040000915527344, 'end': 22.15999984741211},
{'word': 'test', 'start': 22.15999984741211, 'end': 22.31999969482422},
{'word': 'of', 'start': 22.31999969482422, 'end': 22.639999389648438},
{'word': 'transcription',
'start': 22.639999389648438,
'end': 23.15999984741211},
{'word': 'and', 'start': 23.15999984741211, 'end': 23.639999389648438},
{'word': "let's", 'start': 23.639999389648438, 'end': 24.100000381469727},
{'word': 'see', 'start': 24.100000381469727, 'end': 24.31999969482422},
{'word': 'how', 'start': 24.31999969482422, 'end': 24.579999923706055},
{'word': "we're", 'start': 24.579999923706055, 'end': 24.81999969482422},
{'word': 'dead!', 'start': 24.81999969482422, 'end': 26.139999389648438}]},
'success': True,
'errors': [],
'messages': []}
Image Classification
Explore all Image Classification models
model = "@cf/microsoft/resnet-50"
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/craigsdennis/notebooks-cloudflare-workers-ai/main/assets/craig-and-a-burrito.jpg"image_request = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
display(Image(image_request.content, format="jpg"))response = requests.post( f"https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/{account_id}/ai/run/{model}", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}"}, data=image_request.content)
inference = response.json()inference["result"]
[{'label': 'BURRITO', 'score': 0.9999678134918213},
{'label': 'GUACAMOLE', 'score': 8.532096217095386e-06},
{'label': 'BAGEL', 'score': 4.704045295511605e-06},
{'label': 'SPATULA', 'score': 4.0899126361182425e-06},
{'label': 'POTPIE', 'score': 3.0937740120862145e-06}]